Monday 24 October 2011


I have something to admit, and ask that you think before you judge me, please.
Though I have taken care of myself in some areas, lately there are parts of me, I'm neglecting; feeling frequent uncontrolable waves of emotion and I am simple ignoring it. Last thing I should do is ignore it!

I had a wake up call...and I find myself feeling very ashamed,
I fell asleep on my 2 1/2 yr old preiocus MissK. Let me explain more -
After taking for a breif trip to the pool (weather change and I had to deal with her tantrum of not wanting to get out) We arrived back home and I setup ABC2 and a snack for her whilst I ducked away to steal a quick shower. I felt a bit off colour following, and laid down on the bed..Thats the last thing I remembered..Until waking an hour and a half later MissK sitting so quietly on the couch being the perfect child I wish she would be 24/7 (well one can dream, can't they)

~~~I call my bad parenting - bad parenting 101, almost like i could give classes on bad parenting and how not to, becuase of the experiences I have been through as a mother where I have gone wrong and what I have learnt from my mistakes, if i slip up I normally come out with 'oh gees bad parenting 101'. Probably because at the sametime of admitting it i can also within saying that enable myself to laugh a little brush it off and put it down to 'bad parenting 101' and walk away better for it.

Not today... The only place I went to, was to burst into tears. No matter how hard I tried to stop it and smile I couldn't, the guilt took over. Now before you go jumping to conclusions MissK was perfectly safe but that doesn't change how much in mind how un-exceptable it is for that to have happened. To have looked over at her only made me cry more saying over and over I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you, my sweet girl showed such love in her reply to me as she said "Mummy was tired,asleep". Though I should have taken that and begun to feel better I could not!
I knew I couldn't call MrM (at work) so I texted one of my very close friends and one that knows every one of my true colours, and as she always does, she came through for me. Calling me back in an instant knowing I was crying her first words to me 'you are not a bad mother'. She let me cry for the breifest moment before doing what she knew needed to be done, to snap me out of it and to talk me through the fact that I am not a bad mother, but rather that I have been neglecting important areas like REST.
Before I knew it she had me laughing and forgetting about it all, I smiled on my end of the phone feeling so blessed I have her in my life.

But for the life of me I know one thing, I will try my absolute hardest to never let it happen again, and am starting to realise it needs to come back to me caring about me before anyone else, as I did let it slip to putting me last and it has resulted in well, everything I don't like...

I am sure future blogs will contain more on my bad parenting 101, cause guess what no ones perfect, including me ;)
So when you find yourself feeling burdened by how bad you feel just remind yourself I'm only human and tomorrow will be a better day!

Till next time ~ Mumma Of MissK and the one who truly reveals those cracks in her pavement...

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Who has one?
 who wants one?  Who would never ever by into the world of an IPhone? haha!

I always, on the surface white lied and said I didn’t care to much about the kind of phone I had, but secretly was jealous of those with these top of the range phones.

I recall not too long before I did indeed end up with an IPhone in hand and for the most part loving it to, I needed a new phone out with Mr M and one cranky MissK I felt pressured to make a prompt decision so we could make a speedy exit with this screaming child getting louder by the minute…

Thank god for the internet and the fact that I had done a little research and it was down to a couple of choices and would depend on what was in stock. I can’t recall the exact mobile now but it had a QWERTY keyboard, I hadn’t own a phone yet, with one even though they had been around for quite a while lol.

In an instance I became slightly more addicted to texting because it was so much easier ;) Where Mr M would nearly throw it at wall cursing its tiny-arse keys, I loved that (has very tiny hands lol/skinny and long).

I had fun this phone for only a short while before the IPhone would come into my life, and I would love it and hate it and still do.

Many a time I upgraded via my sister upgrading and I would get old phone/buy it off her etc., she had the Iphone3 and what do you know a phone call one day asking me if I wanted her IPhone.

** Little note to add in here **

Mr M hates technology, and feels he is cursed, he has had mobile phones mysteriously disappear on him twice (no he wasn’t intoxicated at the time, lol) Mp3 are the worst, oh dear they die, he got an IPod from a friend who mentioned it is un-used but an old model he brought it home for me to get started on the computer but it would not do a thing…Another disappeared into thin air. He is a bit of man who couldn’t care when it comes to mobile phones I quote “I don’t care about the camera or the list of app’s you can get, I want to receive and makes calls & text, that’s it”!

I one the other hand am a lover of technology. Now in saying that I am not a fashion trend whore (as I call it, sorry lol)

Technology fascinates me doesn’t mean I understand it all! Confronted all the time with technological walls rising up in front of me and I cannot bash my way through figure it out for the life of me, I have from day one of my blessed/much hated IPhone admitted freely “I can understand why people are saying they need lesson on how to use an IPhone I do too”!!!...

As a mother to a 2 ½ yr. old, a partner and a housewife, I simply didn’t have the time for it to seem so complicated and yes I do laugh out loud at that now ;)

I look back thinking it really isn’t that confusing –

Reasons being

-         I am lazy about reading manuals, oh dear and so attempted to battle the phone without any help when that was the complete opposite to what I should have done.

-         The phone I went from to the IPhone, YES two whole different worlds completely and I had only just gotten used to that one and it all’s cracks and corners.

-         Never having owned and IPOD, so hadn’t used the  iTunes program I also had that learning curve

-         Lastly OK, yes I was being a drama queen, as much as I was so so so IN LOVE ;) the confusion took over for a few moments there.  But it didn’t take long I had handle on it all ;) and now I’m addicted, converted and very much so probably in need of IPhone AA LOL.

Bam what do you know, as I had started out this blog’s journey the flood of Facebook gossip, debating and more, on the new IPhone 4s. For me honestly I’m not interested I am happy enough with mine and the capability to be able to update/upgrade it :D

:(Sadly my last note and I truly wish I didn’t have to write such sad news, today before coming to finish off this blog and get it up I was confronted with the news of Mr Apple himself, Mr Steve Jobs, passing L L I have a massive amount of respect for him for everything he gave this world of ours and the dreams he has given others a chance to dream through technologies eyes. For that he suffered illness I do visit upon the thought as I did have with my mother, sometimes it is nice that someone isn’t suffering anymore.