Friday 30 September 2011

To love and to be loved

Today is a celebration, mine and MrM’s 7year anniversary :D

I look over at him and smile true love and happiness remembering all the good times we’ve been through, even the bad times because within them I’m shown how true to me he has always been.  By sticking by me, supporting me and helping build me back up into a better happier person.
No one has ever known me like MrM has, for a long time there not even my twin sister and that’s the reason why, to do this day I do truly feel MrM is the missing link in my chain, the reason why I wasn’t feeling whole and only he truly helped me to feel it again by seeing the worst in me yet it had him wanting to love me even more.

My heart sings looking at MissK, our creation of such love and our precious daughter and sings even louder at the thought of our family growing and being even more perfect then it already is. I love to remind myself that these things I am feeling are the best things to feel and to always bring myself back to it when I feel sad or anxious :D

So tonight MrM’s sister is going to babysit for a little while so we can go out and have a dinner to ourselves ;), we went away about 2months ago for a weekend so I’m content with just being able to have him alone to myself even if only for a short while :D
A beautiful day here with the sun shining and the winds finally calmed down after a few days of it whipping around like mad lol, I think a walk over to the beach with MissK is in store, as on this special day as much as it is about MrM and I, it’s also about our other biggest love, our child and enjoying her love, smiles and pure innocence :D

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